Hi! Welcome to a Megathread on @ShinyTropius . This thread is made with the intent of informing Shiny Tropius of what his wrongdoings are and hopefully having him apologize. This is no means meant as an attack. Please do not harass Tropius
This thread took a ton of typing. Some were a bit...rude bit i digress.
Now lets move into Trop's mistakes.
Mistake 1: Threatening someone. Over being called a name? Wow. Pretty low. Sorry @raspberyIsensei
Now that was his smallest offense, and i really only included after most of this thread was typed up. I know what you're thinking "Ziku threatening someone over twitter isn't a major offense". What is a major offense is degrading people and lying about losing followers.
Here's some screenshots. I'll piece the story together as we go along.
This all started with the Minneapolis riots. Tropius ended up blocking @MemeasaurusRex9
Screenshots of Memes and Trops dms
Now, what do you think Trops did next? Something really dumb? Correct answer.
Here is how Corrinsoul reacted. Once this reaction came out, trops blocked corrin. @nagsgsjs was quick to ask him a question. That question stayed unanswered.
Here is Trops reaction.
After all of this. Tropius Apologized.
You can follow @ButZiku.
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