it's like this. in math, there's the idea of a function, right? a function is basically a rule for transforming whatever number you put in. the rule can be whatever - "add two," or "divide by three then subtract one" or something way more complicated
an image ppl often use when teaching about functions is that it's like a machine. here's a picture.
if you put sixty into that example machine, you will always always always get 600 out. always. but if you put 5 into the machine, you won't get 600. you'll get 50. *and the function didn't change*
sometimes people say "God can't say one thing at one time and another thing at another time, because God doesn't change" but that's not *true*
the unchanging God has chosen to be in relationship with a contingent and chaotic and ever-changing creation
this is why Countryman is right when he says we have to search for the animating ethical principles (functions) instead of just looking at the specific examples of rules (outputs) we get in scripture
God's character never changes. God's nature never changes. What it looks like for those things to interface with and influence a world subject to constant change, though - that and does and *should* change
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