Stolen Ofc 😏

(you can add a message too il post it 🥺♥️)
@jikookftokyo I want to say that she is beautiful in every single way someone can be ✨💚
@kookiecrumbs23 you're practically my best friend in here in Twitter. You're one of the most open minded people that I've ever met in my whole life, you're curious, intelligent, so damn smart, sweet, conscious of what's going on in the world, empathetic... +
+As I wanna meet other special people from Twitter, I do really wanna meet you too as well ❤️
I love you @thatgayvodka
@FMYOOGIE you’re so pretty and i love u so much baby,take care always!!
@story_bangtan13 everything will get better soon. Everything will get fixed. We must have faith in that. Because you're one of the most beautiful people that I've met.I want you to value your potential, your worth, your strength I'd love to give you a tight hug rn! 🥺❤️
@lovgcfs you’re AMAZING and ilysm🥺
@Mochi_Smiles what can I say. You've always taken care of me in any way. You're my advisor, and I really hope the chats with me help you. You're so honest, so strong, so admirable as a woman... That I do really hope only good things come into your life+
+. It'll take time, but there's a brighter future for you, it's obvious! Good people will always receive good! Stay gold forever, Belle. 💜
@yoosoulsoft je t’aime de tout mon cœur tu es la meilleure personne que j’ai rencontré et tu as changer ma vie je t’aime fort fort fort 🥺💗
@seofIwrs t’es magnifique doute jamais de ça t’es incroyable et je t’aime de tout mon coeur tu iras voir idle en vip frontrow tkt pas 💓💓💓
@destinysbunny what can I say. One of my oldest and dearest friends from Twitter. Like some other ppl that has accompanied me throughout the way of being ARMY... I can't be more thankful for having you and kept our friendship somehow. Idk, I +
just wonder how nice and cool would it be to face you in person, and to laugh and have fun with you 😭 I just can't wait!
@liuchungha on parle pas assez en vrai c nul un peu mais pas grave t’es l’une de mes meilleures rencontre je t’aime trop trop fort et chungha aussi t’aime fort bbou 💖💖
@thanxxalex t l’un de mes mutu pref tes trop choupi en plus j’espère que tu seras toujours heureux parce que tu le mérites vraiment 🥺🥺💗
@chunghanako on parle pas assez c’est trop nul mais t’es quelqu’un de génial et je t’aime fort fort fort 💗💗💗
@pinkidlz épouse moi stp psk t’es trop un é personne incroyable et je suis trop trop contente de t’avoir rencontré ouin en plus t’es bcp trop belle bref je t’aime bcp bcp 💖💖
@Y_m_oon_gi je crois que t’es l’une des personnes qui me hype le plus ever ptdrrr bref juste pour te dire que je t’aime fort et que t’es une personne incroyable bbou 🥺🥺💗
@mochi_aline thanks for always being there. I always see you in my timeline, appreciating my posts, bring always so supportive... I'm always very thankful for my moots, but especially for moots like you! ❤️
@STUPIDAY6 tu vais trop genre de pas m’aimer alors que tu me kiff mais a part ça je t’aime trop trop fort t’es trop une personne gentille (même si tu me tacle h24) et t’es bcp trop belle n’en doute jamais je t’aime fort 🥺💖
@stan_skz_yall h24 tu me hype alors que je mérite même pas mais c’est psk t’es une personne bcp trop gentille et incroyable je t’aime de tout mon coeur 💖💖💖
@STUPIDAY6 tu vais trop genre de pas m’aimer alors que tu me kiff mais a part ça je t’aime trop trop fort t’es trop une personne gentille (même si tu me tacle h24) et t’es bcp trop belle n’en doute jamais je t’aime fort 🥺💖
@kookmin_BWL sos mi Crush 🙃 jejeje no, pero ojalá reunirnos de una vez en persona 😭
@guccijikoo I wish you happiness and that you find yourself surrounded with only beautiful hearted people like yourself ☺️💜
Im sure you gonna be one of the biggest acc soon ☺️💜
@460hye coucou bbou je t’aime de tout mon cœur et en vrai on parle grave pas assez c’est trop nul psk t’es une personne géniale bref je t’aime trop fort 💓💓
@411JJ love you so much cutie and I wish you all good things in the world ♥️
@destinysbunny I enjoy talking with you and seeing you in my TL always makes me smile ☺️ you are so cute and funny and smart love you ♥️
@minhoeGguk you've been with me since the very beginning 👀 WE'RE SO OLD SLFJSKDKSK well, no 😂 but we've been together for a time that seems always in here in Twitter 😂 you're so reliable and trustable, tho we haven't spoken quite a lot lately and that's my mistake+
I really hope we get to talk as much as we did before coz you know how much this person appreciated this beautiful woman Petra is 🥰🤭Pls, keep your spirit up. I know you're know going through good times with your health but you'll recover soon... +
Let's hope that! 💛 You're strong enough to deal with even the worst of the storms, I know that!
@_Breakin_Dawn. You are literally like a little sister, one that I can talk to about everything, and someone I want to take care of forever. You are such a smart, loving, funny, chaotic and awesome friend and person. +
+Let's stay friends for a long, long time. Love you, and always here for you ❤
@gajaaegiyagaja my bby I'm so happy I met you and so glad we get to talk love you so so much let's keep being 🤡 together 👀♥️
@hobi_is_my_sea we don't talk much but I really love you 💜
@jikookftokyo You sweet Angel! Always so kind, caring and thoughtful 💕 The way you just pop in to the dms now and again is so precious and i enjoy those moments. Let's talk even more in the future. Love you so much! ❤
@idlehobii je voulais te dire que tu comptes beaucoup pour moi , que t’es une personne magnifique et drôle et douce , et que ptn t’es jeune alors vie ta vie , attends le bonheur parce que tu le mérites, et mm si c pas facile, ça va s’arranger,+
tu vas arriver à te sentir bien je te le promet , je te le jure si fort que ça va aller , t’es pas seule
@gyunikoo I love you..I like like you lol. I won't be able to tell you ever but I hope you find someone who is perfect for you.
@jikookftokyo bubu🥺 I love you so so much you made me happy without knowing one day and I'm so gratful for you I even I included you in my prayers for making me stop crying love you so much really 💕
And your are so pretty 😍
@Kkyu5813 We don't know each other that well, but i just want you to know that you are loved, cared for and precious.Even if times are tough, you get through them because you are strong, and that's very admirable.Take care sweet Luna, We love you 💜 BTS loves you, kind lovely you
@Mochi_Smiles you are such nice and thoughtful moot of mine a'd I love you so much always making me look as if I matter 💜 love you really 🥺
@whohasjamsss Hey! Do you know how strong you are? What you have been through this year hasn't been easy, but you have walked through it, even when you felt down. I know no one more inspiring than you. I hope your future holds +
happy days and a lot of laughter and I will do my best to help you achieve that. Love you sweetie ❤
@behappyjmjk love you Ana I wish you happy life with your precious daughter ♥️ you are so beautiful inside and out love you so much
@_Breakin_Dawn you are such a ball of cuteness and happiness and positivity I love you so much 💜
@rkivjeon crazy 🤓 but I love you 🤧 your thirst tweets are hilarious to me love you again okay 😏💜
@_lidzy best minnie stan de la terre je t'aime TROP j'aime tellement parler de idle avec toi?? j'espère on parlera encore longtemps et qu'on se verra au concert de idle en front row!!💓
@idlesndg merci pour les 1€ je t'aime . je veux qu'on parle + paske t'as l'air incroyable
@BUSANBOY___TWT I love you and I love your love for Jimin I hope you will be back stronger ♥️ pls don't mind hateful people you are perfect
@Mochi_Smiles you're one of the best people I know. Tysm for being there for me. Love you 💕
@Calikkyu You are a true angel, and loving and caring! I mean this 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙣 thread idea is just an example of the things you do to bring happiness for your moots and others. You amazing and I’m so sad I missed your Selca yesterday—next time though😁.+
Anyways, just wanted to let you know that you always make me laugh and complete my day!💜💖💜💖...[make sure you post this for yourself]
You can follow @Calikookie.
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