The tropical storm knocked out my power and internet the day of an online exam. I’m struggling to make it through 24 hours of online school without reliable internet access. 1/?
We need to expand access to broadband internet if we expect students to continue studying remotely, and we need to build into syllabi the possibility that students will have differing levels of access to key resources. 2/?
Most of all, we need to stop pretending that online school is exactly the same as in-person education and acknowledge that students have a variety of factors at home that can hinder their ability to reach traditionally defined metrics of success. 3/?
These playing fields aren’t just uneven - they’re in different zip codes. Educators, take the time to acknowledge this to your students as we move into a new school year. 4/?
As a disabled student on the premed track, I’m feeling the pressure to persevere, to move forward like everything is unchanged from on-campus norms, so that med schools will see that “resilience.” 5/?
I know I want a doctor that’s resilient, but I also want one that’s human. I want one who can understand that things are different nowadays and can adapt to a new context rather than plowing ahead, business as usual. 6/?
Thanks for coming to my (pre) #MedEd TED talk. 7/7 (END OF THREAD)
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