venus rx in my 10th followed by mercury rx in my 11th gave me a lot of opportunities to reflect on my public engagement with astrology, my place in the community, and where any professional aspirations might fit into that puzzle

(it also brought up other less relevant stuff)
i’ve come to a few conclusions. i love practicing astrology, i love doing readings for people (and i need to have some kind of monetary exchange when i do that, to maintain proper boundaries and time management), and i love sharing my thoughts on astro in an informal way.
but i also don’t want to saddle my practice with expectations that don’t match my authentic engagement with it. i just wanted to share that i don’t see myself being a full-time professional astrologer. this has nothing whatsoever to do with imposter syndrome or feeling inadequate
i just know that i’m bringing a different energy and engagement than some of my up-and-coming peers who have a singular focus and passion for this field; and i think it’s appropriate and awesome that those folks are the ones taking on roles of responsibility within the community
my goal is not to be a prominent astrologer and speak at conferences and whatnot

i just want to be friends with astrologers, engage with the mysterious clockwork of the universe, occasionally help people, and occasionally drop off the map (or drop 50 tweets about UFOs)
the only reason i’m saying any of this publicly is to sort of clarify it for myself and put it out into the universe in a clean and clear way, and remove any accidentally-acquired yucky ego junk that doesn’t belong to me and doesn’t serve me
(and obviously i say this with full awareness that the astrology community is full of people whose primary career is in another field and that doesn’t make them any less of an astrologer.)
but it’s not really about the making-a-living aspect of it, it’s more about who i want to be within this world. i see myself on the sidelines, goofing around.
the subtext to this thread is that i already have a massively overwhelming set of expectations for myself attaining success and recognition in a hilarious number of fields / applications of my skill set 🤣

MC in gemini 1 problems
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