✨ Jupiter’s Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries rewatch // a thread 💄💃🏼✨
•Season One
>Episode One; “Cocaine Blues”
I almost decided to skip this episode because I’ve seen it so. many. times.
Dottie is the purest little angel ever and I would do anything for her
In this house we do NOT skip the intro 😤
Apparently this is an unpopular opinion but I love Phryne’s sailor dress??? I’ve always wanted one tho so
“Oh and aunt prudence” we all have an aunt prudence ksnzlmamz
Miranda Otto and Essie Davis??? Top tier content
Prudence’s face when Phryne suggests murder sknzksmsm
“This lavatory’s fully occupied” is the only correct way to let someone know you’re in the bathroom
idk why but I’m always draw to the fact the Phryne removed her glove to shake his hand. Like she didn’t really have to?? Idk
Hugh jumping to give Phryne details aknzlsmms jack is betrayed by two constables in this show so many times
Me watching Phryne’s first deduction but thinking about the way Tei does it perfectly: 👁👄👁
Flirting right off the bat? Love to see it
“She’s bleedin all over my bleedin upholstery”
Phryne being done with prudence going on about the soirée and then The Look and Smile Phryne gives her when she says Phryne will help with it
Mac is so pretty 😭
“Oh good. Mine’s not going any where” I LOVE HER SO MUCH
“You and your strays” I wanna see him with some stray kittens 🥺
Hugh’s smile when Bert says “oppressor of the widow and orphan”
Betrayal #2
“I wish I could change the laws for you, Miss Fisher.”
“You can’t? Fine. I’ll just have to find a way around them.”
The little lift of his teacup.
Petition for season four and more flashbacks with Janey and Phryne
@ Foyle: “Ugly ass lookin noodle head”
“You don’t have to save the world, Phryne.”
“I’m not sure that one lifetime will be enough for you to save the whole world.”
The parallels
Phryne’s forehead kisses. 🥺
“Two shots of vodka”
Tag yourself I’m Tilda Higginbottom — by the punch, as usual.
Phryne’s little “how do you do?” is so soft
Even knowing how it ends, Sasha is so confusing. Russian? French? Who knows!!!
Prudence’s squint when Phryne walks over to Sasha 😂
This little shoulder movement — I’m gay
“You don’t seriously suspect this poor child of murder?”
“Actually, i was studiously avoiding, that term, Miss Fisher.”
Betrayal #3
Leave me alone Duolingo I’m watching Miss Fisher
the accent change in the alley — im gay part two
“Uuugh. Wonderful.” Men
“You May have ruined one of the most stunning gowns Melbourne will ever see.”
Okay but the woman wearing the gown—
“Why do have naked Phryne in your gallery??”
Uhhhhh science
“The marching Mary Jane is up there if you’re looking Miss.”
Phryne’s eyes are so pretty🥺😭😍
“Family planning.”
I really need to watch more of Ashleigh Cummings’ work. I love her
Mac and Phryne have definitely done dru gs before
The way that Dot is standing on Baker St. and that Phryne’s adress is 221B. Poetic cinema
The way Phryne has cursed more in this episode than the rest of the series-
“Hands toward heaven.” ... “up you idiot.”
Awwww I never noticed Cec holding Dot 🥺
Phryne,,,, leg,,,,
“I kill you! I kill you and your mom.” My family and I quote that way too often 😂😂
Phryne??😍 spare 😭 kith??🥺👉🏻👈🏻
“I hope she’s comfortable. She could be a waiting a long time.”
C’mon jack you know you’re at least CURIOUS
The way Hugh took so long to answer that call 😂
I love how Jack’s whole mood in the beginning is just “fucking hell”
Jack choking on his drink sknakaksmsknsns i can’t 😂😂😂
•Season One
>Episode Two, “Murder on the Ballarat Train”
Jane just wanted to see if he was cake 😌
Count on Phryne to get a car that was made first made for a king huh
Phryne’s smile and like...look of wonder at the train station when Cec and Bert bring her bags,,,, she’s so cute help
lmao it looks like Dottie brought one bag and Phryne brought four 😂
“I invited you to have some fun!”

Right off the bat Phryne is treating Dottie like a friend rather than strictly an employee and I love that so much
The sound of Phryne’s voice when she’s teasing the little boy about being squashed by the tracks??? Soft and I am weak
“Miss Fisher’s boots are different.”
ahem no comment
another FAVORITE MOMENT is Mr Butler expecting a spinster through and through and Cec and Bert not telling him SHIT
Cec’s reaction is literally me😂😂😂
um don’t talk to my Dot like that mAtRoN hEnDeRsOn thank you 😤
some fun facts about the book Phryne’s reading on the train. So...she was definitely in Italy at some point to get her hands on this book at the this time... and of course, this is so something she’d read. (Also! Ahem. Phrack parallels anyone??👀)
Phryne curls up the way i do🥺
I feel like wine or some kind of alocohol would really make this thread spicy but alas🤧 (honestly it would probably be more thirst tweeting😂)
The police officer is literally trying to smoke while having his hands full and doing shit 😤
Dot’s knowing smile when the guy says “I wouldn’t worry your pretty head about police work.”
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