the video from @jondooley felt like a complete slap in the face. “in conversations i’ve had with students this summer, it is clear that you are ready to do the right thing” - what about the students begging for their lives and those they share a community with?
it feels incredibly telling that you’re (elon admin) cherry-picking conversations with studnets who are complient with the university’s reopening plan and are virtually ignoring the large group of students and community members who have consistently laid out very real concerns
not only have they laid out concerns, but they’ve done YOUR job and created direct action plans to address those concerns. Dooley said in the video that “we’re here to support you this fall” but I, and I know many others, have never felt more unsupported than we do right now
anyways, i suggest that @jondooley, @ElonConnieBook, and every other elon administrator watch @besolidaritycol Town Hall, ‘We Won’t Die for Elon,’ that can be found on their facebook page. Listen to the words we have to say. Listen to the pain in them.
also one more thing (although i may continue to use this thread to air out my concerns (( hopefully karyn doesn’t find this and tell me i’m being too negative))) but if you’re telling students there’s ‘too much at stake’ perhaps we shouldn’t be coming back at all?!
the way the entire video was posited removed admin from an responsibility and put it entirely on students to stop the spread of covid. while individual responsbility is imperative in stopping the spread of covid, by focusing solely on student actions, we effectively absolve admin
of any responsibility - which is what they want. so when an outbreak happens at elon, and it will happen (not if but when), remember that it was Elon admin and not students who made the ACTIVE decision to bring back 7,000 people into the alamance community
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