I think startups in Africa need a lot more than money or mentorship, they need data and introductions to partners. I have spoken to several startups this month and I keep seeing a common thread. Too many overlaps with other startups they could just partner with. Far too many.
The problem with getting money is that the people who give you the money inevitably box you into a corner of options. Most of the time, they make you to start fighting with those whom you shouldn't or partner with those whom they have also invested in. Objectivity is lost.
There is so much opportunity for collaboration and it is mind-boggling when I see multiple strikes of lightning all over Africa that fizzle and die out. We don't have strong enough lightning conductors to channel the energy into something else. So many companies don't have to die
Ego is the enemy of progress and comparison is the thief of joy. I had a conversation with a founder this week about the cost of doing KYC when others have already done the same thing and have the same endpoints. So many people working needlessly at cross purposes.
Also, many companies should merge. If you are doing the same thing as another company in another part of Africa, start having early merger talks. Even if you don't conclude on it, explore the possibility and build a relationship. A startup in Egypt can't kill another in Angola.
The knowledge from Egypt may be what makes all the difference in Angola or vice versa. Africa is big but also small. I am grateful for the privilege of see the aggregate view and big picture without the pressure of returns to LPs. Many funds can also work together on this.
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