Here's a peeve (a thread)

Routinely, people who don't spin but are interested in learning how will post pictures of a bundle of broken pieces of wood that don't even go together, in a heap in some corner, which some jackwagon has listed for sale as a spinning wheel.
Like, this constantly happens. It's like if someone posted a picture of the wreckage of a car that was in a crash and burnt to a husk, and said "Car for sale!" and gullible would-be drivers post that listing and say "Does this look like a good deal?"
The answer is, NO, and honestly the person who listed it for sale is an asshole.

Now, I don't want to hear about how someone listed a totaled, but arguably reparable, collector car for sale, and maybe a hobbyist could lovingly restore it for far more than it's worth.
Because the fact of the matter is, if you've got a starry eyed teenager who would like to learn to drive, is that busted-ass piece of shit a good buy for them?

No, it is not, and we all know it.

But when it comes to spinning wheels?
Someone can post a picture of a bundle mismatched kindling in a corner with something vaguely wheel-shaped and ask if this is a good buy, and there are always a bunch of people who say shit like:

"Go for it! It'll be a project but it could be beautiful!"
"Oh my gosh it's beautiful!"

"If it's meant to be it'll all work out great!"

"I know a dude who fixes spinning wheels!"

And what I want to know is, what the hell is wrong with those people? Eh? Seriously, what?

So like, why would you tell people to go ahead and buy the busted-ass jumble of wood that maybe wasn't ever even a functional wheel to begin with?
Don't buy a used spinning wheel, whatever it looks like, from someone who can't sit down and spin at it and make yarn.

Best case, they have no clue if it even is a spinning wheel. Worst case, they're trying to sell you a pile of literal trash.
And if you're one of those people who's like "oh just buy it, if you love it, it will all work out," what the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, why would you do that? Do you get off on convincing people to waste money and be miserable and not learn to spin? Is that the deal?
Okay, rant over. For now.

If you want a serious answer, watch this video. If the wheel isn't at least this good, DON'T BUY IT.

I mean, unless you just want a bundle of loose sticks and jumbled wood.
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