Total animal liberation will be achieved not by privileged "I only care about the animals" vegans. It'll be achieved by vegans who know that complete animal liberation's impossible without liberation of their less-privileged communities. Intersectional Veganism is the only way.
Vegans who argue this is reductionism and inconvenient, you are welcome to try. And you will hit a wall soon. You can keep trying for 100 or 1000 years and nothing will budge unless you acknowledge the reality that the world is not the comfortable bubble you grew up in.
Having looked at how comfortable many privileged vegans are with bigotry my unfortunate conclusion is that total animal liberation will not happen until these people change. Which means not anytime sooner.
It will take centuries of learned experience from failures before animal rights activists acknowledge the reality and embrace intersectional veganism as the only true way forward.
There is no way for you to convince a poor farmer in India to give up his dairy cow until you give him an alternative. And that will never happen until we address the systemic inequalities and injustices of capitalism, colonialism and racism.
There is no other alternative, but to put yourself through the uncomfortable journey of learning about the oppression of marginalized communities and working to solve that. I hope you all will come around soon. But I'm not holding my breath. Good luck with your echo chamber.
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