
in the media business, the unbundling of work is far more interesting than the unbundling of brand.

a Media Cos structure is rarely tested. roles are retrofitted based on what other's are doing & often-times it leads to bloat & inflated costs.

this is changing

legacy & VC backed media often have traditional structures. in these structures, church & state is paramount which encourages a stay in your lane mentality towards an individuals role.

this limits both the ability of the individual to learn AND the Co to manage fixed costs

what we're seeing with the "monetize the individual" movement us that individual's are now becoming their own business.

for example, a writer at a news organization likely has no idea how media companies make money, how to develop audience, how to manage a team. It's ALL new

this is signals 2 things

1) Media Cos need to invest in horizontal learning for individuals within their org. The newsroom should understand how the business works and vice versa

2) Individuals are capable of doing a lot more and they are learning it in real-time AND enjoying it. @Kantrowitz in Clubhouse sparked this thought as he discussed his journey on being his own business.


This is recalibrating the modern day newsroom.

Never before has the media biz re-evaluated its structure, operations & learning/strengthening of an individuals responsibilities.

This is a catalyst to FINALLY figure how to structure & build a profitable media company.
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