Sitting (masked) in our neighbor building's lounge to work today because we still have no power but they do.

Other lady here also definitely works in publishing. I think man ed. I want to be her friend.
She's our neighbor and I saw her once with a bag from BookExpo. Seriously, can we be pandemic friends? Can I start a social distanced, power outage friendship?
There's a small chance that she's going to end up being like the associate publisher of something.

Is it weird that I'm eavesdropping on her Zoom call to try to figure this out?
Or maybe production?

If she has twitter and finds this somehow, I apologize for the snooping. I haven't spoken to another publishing person face to face in five months. I'm excited. 😂
Did I just open Edelweiss on my laptop hoping she'd see it when she walked by?
Yes. Yes, I did.
Update: It was not meant to be today. But maybe someday I'll have a new publishing friend?
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