not only is asking artists of color for tips or advice on how to draw poc incredibly lazy, it also ignores the fact that a lot of artists of color had to teach themselves how to draw poc. no one will teach you, not even school, so *you* have to put in the work yourself
poc, especially brown and black folks, have worked hard and made Free tutorials for yall to find if you just research it. stop asking artists of color to educate you for free when info and resources have been out there for years. we didnt have the luxury of being taught either
I get this question almost daily. I do not get paid to be a teacher. art school & educational resources failed to do their job here and I wont do it for them. do the work, research and study reference like the rest of us had to. I had to teach myself everything
and let's be real, a lot of the time when we do try to help with wellmeaned criticism its unwelcomed we're met with anger and racism lmao
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