Let's talk about why book preorders are important using Schitt's Creek GIFs.
If you're in publishing, aspiring to be in publishing, or are just obsessed with books and publishing this is probably obvious stuff.
Months before a book is set to hit shelves, the publisher must decided how many copies to print. This decision is based on a lot of factors (and authors like me aren't involved).
-author status or track record
-advance paid
-reviews (how many stars)
Now, you may think you can only preorder books a few weeks ahead of time. NOPE! I have a friend whose MAY 11, 2021 book is now available for preorder online.
So it's simple right! The more books that are preordered, the more a publisher will print. And that's how life usually works.
But we are not living in normal times! Right?!? I've heard through the grapevine (again, authors are not involved in these discussions or decisions) that publishers are printing fewer copies books in the upcoming seasons.
Book warehouses/distribution centers are not operating at pre-COVID levels for numerous reasons (staff, costs, local restrictions, etc). There are many logistic issues.
Not to mention, indie bookstores are hurting. Many had to temporarily close doors and I would guess most are still not completely back on their feet. Income is not where it needs to be and managers may be deciding between paying rent and paying for inventory.
It's a tough situation all around, and along with the publishers, the supply chain, and our beloved indies, authors are facing challenges. Author events, library conferences, and literary events have all been CANCELED. Of course. ( I MISS YOU, READERS!)
Authors (and the entire industry) need preorder now more than ever. Think of preorders like a stimulus for the book economy. And it has a trickle-down effect! Preorders help everyone involved.
With limited print runs and SO MUCH UNCERTAINTY in our world, preorders are increasingly important to readers too. We're used to thinking, I'll just get that book when it comes out in September. But there's a chance it might not be available!
PREORDERS ARE A GUARANTEE YOU'LL GET YOUR HANDS ON A NEW TITLE. (As much as anything is a guarantee.) No waiting for reprints. No wondering if your local store will have it on hand.
Plus, sometimes authors or publishers offer incentives when you preorder like swag or exclusive bonus content.
So to recap my rambling post.
1. Preorders are important to authors and the industry.
2. COVID has made preorders even more vital.
3. Preorders will endure readers get their hands on the book in these uncertain times.
4. I love Schitt's Creek
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