If you haven’t already, please take some time out of your day to educate yourself on the Kashmiri crisis. Don’t put the red pfp without understanding the situation. As a hindu Indian, I think everything going on is absolutely shameful, and I will not tolerate any Islamophobia.
This thread has informative explanations linked to it.

https://twitter.com/koyation/status/1290988724168392705?s=21 https://twitter.com/koyation/status/1290988724168392705
It’s extremely sad to see that some Indians still have the mindset that “Muslims are bad”— they are not. A part of my family is Muslim and I have first-hand seen the discrimination they go through and it pains me.
If you are a Hindu, especially a Brahmin, your POC card will work anywhere else apart from in India. You have the upper hand in our country. We are the privileged, from our religious beliefs to the caste system. Understand that, and stand up for what is right.
ALSO! This thread does NOT mean to invalidate what happened to the Kashmiri Pandits in ANY WAY. This is just for people who continue to have a horrid mindset against Muslims. Praying for both our Hindu and Muslim brothers and sisters in Kashmir. 🙏
You can follow @GVCCIGUK.
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