Let’s retire “white passing” as a racial ID. I am moving beyond it. It has a space when we talk about histories of BIPOC, SPECIFICALLY Black people, coding and passing for white in spaces where it was dangerous or illegal to, but it isn’t a racial identity. Yr white. https://twitter.com/EXQUlS/status/1290719745826791424
I think she makes a point about how white girls have been changing their looks so much that lots of paler/L BIPOC look white to many in the US. But, in their home countries and communities they were also usually considered or called white bc how light they are. So like?
IDK if that’s necessarily the case for Pakistan so I can’t speak w/ authority there but many places in the world, even someone who ppl know isn’t WHITE white from Europe white, is called or seen as white, esp bc that’s how colonizers have favored them for this.
This goes double if they do shit like post highly edited pics, change their hair, eye color, get cosmetic surgery etc which MANY do...then they get mad at us for seeing them as white? 👁👁 IDGI. Really the troubles of light and “passing” BIPOC are not troubles at all...
*paler/LS BIPOC https://twitter.com/brujacontumbao/status/1291032543962083330
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