Wow so someone really should have warned me about all the Coptic eugenicists on twitter.
I still don’t understand how Muslims are not indigenous Egyptians? How are Christians indigenous and Muslims not? Like?
I know a lot of (northern) Copts who have Shami/Armenian/Greek/Italian ancestry, including myself.
So to say “Muslims are Arabs” is extremely ignorant and wow problematic. Muslims are indigenous too. Where the crap do you get y’all information that Muslims are not?
Egypt is the bridge between Africa and Asia, and as an important site of scholarship and refuge, many Egyptians have roots in Persian/Turkish/Ethiopian/Yemeni/Indian roots too.
This illusion of “purity” is really disgusting.
Indigenity does not mean “purity of blood” as y’all are defining it. That’s how white people define it, so please don’t do that.
But rather indigenity has to do with the land—so more with the Coptic calendar, language, music—and less with racial purity.
Please do not define indigenity as biological; you’re going to be surprised who your ancestors are and you’re mirroring white supremacist language.
Instead, view indigenity as cultures attached to a land, so that when displaced from the land, there’s rupture.
So that’s how Copts are indigenous to Egypt (and many Muslims are too). It’s the beauty of our history in Africa that we welcomed so many who lived among us and made us.
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