Lost in all the Boise/West Ada School year talk has been the plight of the Special Needs community. These are kids and teachers that if/when schools open will not be able to wear masks. Mandated or not. Putting them more at risk than other students (1/5)
And on the flip side, they also require more one on one attention. We have IEP's as opposed to normal classroom schooling, making virtual schooling options pretty much impossible. (2/5)
As the father of 2 Special Needs students that has been incredibly happy with the education and attention my boys have received at their schools, I fear that they will suffer the most and lose some of the footing they have gained no matter what decisions are made. (3/5)
No anger here. I don't think anyone is doing this on purpose. It can just be frustrating when you hear people argue about opening schools, virtual education and mask mandates when you know there's a small, but incredibly vulnerable part of this equation (4/5)
That will be dramatically affected regardless of which route is taken. Many of whom don't have the opportunity or ability to voice their opinions like we do. And, it's become clear there is no "Plan B" for our Special Needs children. And there has to be. (5/5)
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