Eight years ago, white supremacist Wade Michael Page attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, killing six people & wounding others, one of whom died this year as a result of complications of his injury.

Its anniversary comes on the heels of the anniversary of El Paso.
As awful as the Sikh temple attack was, it would have been worse were it not for responding police. Lt. Brian Murphy was the first officer on the scene. Getting out of his vehicle, he saw victims on the ground and began walking towards them. Then Page came into view.
Murphy hit his radio and said, "I have someone walking out the driveway towards me. Man with a gun, white t-shirt."

Murphy fired but missed. The white supremacist fired at Murphy, his first shot hitting the officer in the throat. The bullet hit his jaw bone, went through his
larynx and esophagus and bounced off his spine. Murphy tried to return fire but the white supremacist shot him in the hand, knocking the gun away. Page continued firing at Murphy until he was standing right over the officer. He shot the officer in the head. All total, he shot
Lt. Murphy 15 times. Three were stopped by Murphy's vest. Twelve entered his body.

Page's fixation on Murphy allowed a second arriving officer, Sam Lenda, to fire at Page. Page, apparently realizing the gig was up, then shot and killed himself, ending the horrific massacre.
Miraculously, Brian Murphy survived (below, center). He still has two bullets in him.

A year after the shooting, a survivor pointed out to Murphy that there had been 15 people still hiding in the temple who could have been killed by Page. Murphy took a bullet for each of them.
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