When I was younger & somewhat an atheist; my aunt who was a missionary & who prayed fervently for me & the fam would have reoccurring dreams of us reaching a train station & the train's destination was infinity. Sadly I missed the train. Till her death my aunt will continue to
pray & encourage me to have a personal relationship with God. It's been about 8 yrs since her death & about a decade from the last time she reminded me of her dream & I can finally see her prayers coming to fruition-I'm in the process of altering the course of that dream.
With that, whoever read this far, I hope you take your faith seriously & feel the urgency to be right with God. This life is like a vapor/mist & eternity is billions & billions of years. I don't want us to make it to the train station but never making it on the train to INFINITY
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