Ok, folks. This comes from the heart. I can't speak for all #ksleg moderate Republicans, but I am speaking for myself.

1. We're Republicans. Perhaps in an outdated sense of the word in the style of Ike, Lincoln, and Dole. But we are Republicans.
2. Our party has largely pushed us out. We need time to adjust to this reality. I didn't realize (or didn't want to realize) this until last night. I worked so hard in 2016 to help elect moderate Republicans, and that was all undone in the span of the last 24 hours. Give me time.
3. Democrats: Gloating won't help. Naked partisanship and "I told you so's" won't help. I'm not pointing fingers, but it's happening already. A lifelong affiliation and pride in that affiliation doesn't change overnight. Reach out with compassion and empathy. That helps.
4. The reason I'm most upset about the #ksleg results last night is that dirty tactics won, and good representatives lost. Skubal, Kessinger, Taylor, Hardy, Cox, Berger, Karleskint. They all were good representatives who showed up, stayed accountable to their constituents, and
voted for what they thought was best, not what was easy. It's easy to be told how to vote by leadership or lobbyists. It's hard to think critically about the issues and take feedback from your #ksleg district. I'm sad/pissed because good people lost, not for partisan reasons.
So, bottom line. Conservatives, congratulations on your well-earned victories last night. Please strive to be good representatives and be accountable to your district.

Democrats, congratulation on winning over mod voters last night and likely flipping some #ksleg seats in Nov.
Moderates like me aren't going anywhere. Our party affiliations may change, but our loyalty is to compromise, traditional conservative values, and decency. That will never change.

To the moderates who lost last night, enjoy your well-earned retirement. Thank you. #ksleg
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