respecting & supporting trans ppl doesn’t stop at using their pronouns: THREAD. it also means:

✨fighting for access to healthcare, including gender affirming procedures & hormones but also general healthcare

✨reducing homelessness

✨improving access to reproductive justice*
✨improving workplace safety for trans folk

✨abolishing the prison complex altogether ofc! but within the system as it stands, finding ways to support trans incarcerated people to be in the most appropriate setting for their gender (trans nonbinary ppl never have this option)
✨specifically improving the lives of trans sex workers through decriminalisation and various other things i haven’t the knowledge or experience to express

✨improving access to rehabilitation

✨building a justice process that actually works for trans victims of violence
(*reproductive justice is huge. many trans ppl have to be sterilised in order to gain the legal right to be the gender they are, or access gender affirming healthcare. better & faster options should be available for gamete storage. trans ppl should be more supported to adopt too)
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