A little 🧵 on instructional time and virtual learning: I was reading a state board of education policy for virtual learning. The state required 6.5 hours of instructional time for online learners. 6.5 hours is the length of an in person school day here in NJ.
Instructional time is defined as time during which school is responsible for the student and the student is required and expected to be engaged in a learning activity.
So, let’s dissect this. Any of us who have taught in school buildings for an entire day know that a lot of that time is not spent in an engaged learning activity (especially at the elementary level).
There are numerous housekeeping tasks that take place in that first half hour. Most students are idle academically and just pretty much “settling in”. There is also passing time in the halls, bathroom and brain or recess breaks. There is lunch time. There is packing up.
We do not actively engage kids in learning activities for 6.5 hours. Trust me, neither they nor teachers want that anyway. But I’m starting to see this 6.5 referenced in letters sent home to parents. I’m hearing about it in meetings and expectations of teachers in virtual spaces.
Here’s a “virtual contract” sent home by a school district in Tennessee. Other than the million things wrong, look at the mention of school hours. Almost written like “hey, if you’re gonna do this, we’re gonna make you work”
So I’m just wondering, is this necessary? I mean, the hours have been policy for decades, but now they are being held over teachers and kids heads. Like some daily quota that must be met. If a teacher is responsible for 6.5 hours of daily,
Active engagement, is this sustainable?
Do kids need this type of oversight from a school? Meaning, can’t work be disseminated and then optional projects be offered based on interest? I just think we need to get granular here. Virtual school is not the same as physical. And in my opinion, it shouldn’t be.
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