subplots that could have been so interesting and pivotal for the development of brittany s. pierce but wasn’t because the writers have twigs and worms for brains and hate seeing bisexuals thrive: a very angry thread
1. tw// rape
in 3.05, rachel gathers the girls and asks if she should wait to be intimate with finn and brittany reveals that her first time was w/ a boy that came into her tent without her asking. that should have been grounds for SOME kind of discussion bc that is not ok...
i feel like in general there should have been at least one scene where she talks to someone about how sensitive she is about her intelligence because too many people called her stupid or an idiot in the duration of the show and it was obvious that it was a major issue for her
WHY WAS BRITTANY...... NONEXISTANT DURING the outing storyline in 3.06-07???? SHE WAS SANTANA’S GIRLFRIEND!??!,!?!?!?!?!?!? she would have DEFINITELY would have had something to say about it. that was so sick
this might be controversial and i don’t really know what i mean but this but i feel like brittany never really had the chance to make her own decisions and was always convinced or encouraged to do something so i kinda wanted to see her break away and do something for herself
the graduating storyline is something that i am very openly upset about and will remain upset about it for as long as i fucking live because a) there is no fucking way that brittany would have waited until like A WEEK BEFORE GRADUATION to tell santana about it,
b), THERE IS NO WAY SANTANA WOULD HAVE BEEN THAT OKAY WITH IT, and c) brittany would not have been as happy as they tried to make it seem that she was repeating a whole entire year of high school and almost everyone who mattered to her was leaving her. she definitely
would have experienced some kind of depression (not like 4.02 we will discuss that next) and it would have been EXTREMELY important to her character development moving forward. they fucked that up so badly
this isn’t a looked over storyline but i want 4.02 to DIE because they mishandled that entire situation and made her depression from being held back and separation anxiety seem like she was breaking down for shits and giggles and it should have been fucking addressed PROPERLY
so you’re telling me she just got out of a relationship with her soulmate in 4.04 and was probably HEARTBROKEN and the next episode she was smiling and laughing like nothing happened??? blaine was tore the fuck up over his break-up with kurt for WEEKS her emotions are valid
8. tw// school sh00tings, death
i hate speaking about this episode because the whole thing seemed like such a mockery but not them putting brittany in one of the most dangerous situations of her life where she was scared to DEATH hiding in that bathroom stall
and then ending it all with sam giving her another cat and a kiss and calling it a day??? even if it wasn’t a legit sh00ting she would have still been suffering with some kind of PTSD ESPECIALLY since when schue walked in the bathroom she thought she was gonna DIE????? ffs
not at the writers making her character flat out STUPID in season 3 even though she was so much more than that and making her repeat another year of hs and then suddenly in season 4 she’s this closeted genius who could debunk the theory of evolution in one go.. w no buildup
or anything..... like i get they needed something to get hemo off the show but they could have developed it a little better than that like maybe showed her grades slowly getting better or SOMETHING
did they actually go to lesbos,,,, or hawaii,,,,, or like...
why didn’t she become a famous talk show host bc of fondue for two.. pain </3
WHY WERENT BRITTANA IN THE FLASH-FOWARD-TO-2020 SEQUENCE IN THE LAST EPISODE GRRRRRRRRR BARK BARK BARK i hate that they dropped off the face of the earth after their wedding and only showed up to sing that stupid song
end of thread i made myself very angry while doing this bc we will never get real closure and i have to rely on fanfics to do the job for me..... anyway brittany s. pierce best character on the show
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