Tried this AM to see if I could sum up my Bible reading today in a reasonable thread but, alas, it was Daniel 7 where the apocalyptic section begins. Too much to it. Too glorious. Too immense & powerful. The coronation of the Son of Man coming with the clouds. The time to come...
when the Ancient of Days will rule in favor of the saints of the Most High & they will finally, beautifully take possession of the kingdom under the reign of the Glorious Son of Man, whose kingdom will never end. Our Christ. It’s gorgeously climactic. I’d just like to say this:
For every time we think evil won, there’s the Ancient of Days, the eternal, righteous Judge of the living & the dead, of the seen & the unseen, of principalities, powers & people, seated upon His vehicular throne, wheels of blazing fire. For every genocide, every crime against...
humanity, every mass murder, every corrupt seat of judgment, every oppressive government that has starved its own people, for every perverse system that has trafficked human beings & tortured children, there is the Ancient of Days. Why “Ancient” of “Days”? Because there is no...
statute of limitations for unrepentant evil. There’s no getting away with it. No matter what surfaces. No matter what horrors are discovered centuries after they took place, the same One seated on the throne of judgment when the atrocity occurred is STILL seated when time’s up.
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