OMG YALL. IT IS 4:34 in the morning & i am here to tell u that ghosts are real as fuck
I am fucking shook. Two years ago, my dad committed suicide. I havent really thought that deeply about what death means, but i wont go there. For the past few nights, ive been staying at home with my family (the house he built). This dude has been showing up nonstop
Every night now, i have been woken up at 3-4 am and doors all around the house have been flung open. Like i mean heavy ass doors that cant fucking be blown by wind. Tonight, same shit happens. Only i got my girlfriend here with me & this bitch is a seer.
So i leave to go use the restroom & notice more doors open. Im scared so i take one of the dogs from upstairs to come back to my room with me. My gf is sleeping. Completely unaware of this. I wake her up & im like babe the shit is happening again. All the doors are open
Shes like "ur dads here" and im like lol. Turn on my playstation & the dog i brought with me just starts barking at the patio door. I mean vigorously. Nofuckingbody is there. Shes going apeshit. Growling barking losing it. So i say to her "u didnt know him, but hes not a stranger
all of a sudden my gf starts crying and says "omg hes right there. Can u not see the breathing on the window" im like nah bitch i do not & i dont want to. I ignore her and shes still going on. WHY DOES THIS BITCH STAND UP, GO TO THE WINDOW & PUT HER HAND ON IT.
Whatever was out there, put its hand up too and fog started swirling all around her hand only in one corner. I started screaming like bitch stop. Wtf stop. She says "finally u see it. Omg baby its so different" my first thought was to leave this bitch and burn this house
now im just staring at two handprints and i do not know wtf to do
Im shook yall. My gf talkin bout "can u walk with me to pee" i said no bitch u see ghosts u should be just fine. 😂
but then im like u aint leavin me in here alone. Lmao im comin too
I tried as best as i could to get a photo of the two handprints. THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT FUCKIN HANDS. i cant sleep yall
The trashcan got knocked over but two prints
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