So, a prominent thinker and scholar of race wrote a cover story saying Tr*mp gave us a fighting chance to end racism. They said that Tr*mp has revealed the depths of US prejudice.

This is ahistorical and dismissive of Black women who have already been doing anti-racist work.
I read this passage and screamed.
We literally saw the start of Black Lives Matter under Barack Obama. A whole movement started before Tr*mp was elected in response to ongoing racial terror against Black people.

We've known the depths of US racism.
The notion that Black people should be grateful to Tr*mp for anything is disgusting. He has orchestrated the catastrophic dismantling of life saving and sustaining structures and policies that have buoyed Black communities for generations. He is a white supremacist.
Here again, the focus and frame are on Tr*mp. Meanwhile, there is no discussion of the Black women led movements that have put pressure on legislators and presidential candidates.

It's as if Tr*mp turned on a racism light switch and now people see it.
This focus on "The American people" does not fully engage with the fact that white people overwhelmingly voted Tr*mp into office.

The American people are heterogeneous and many are *still* racist.
This article does not hold white voters who support Tr*mp accountable. Instead, it reads as a white ally manifesto. A pat on the back.

Why did it take all this terror to recognize that racism exists? Why aren't we talking about that?
The anti-racist movement is becoming the new postracial movement. If simply noticing racism is the bar for entry, the work is toothless.
This is a country where folx have been lynched for merely existing while Black. We *know* its a racist country against non-white people.
Tr*mp is a hard boundary for many white liberals who were fine watching schools close, seeing videos of police murdering us, and were actively participating in policing and surveilling Black, Brown, and Indigenous folx.

But, that's still pretty racist.
This is why we have to be really careful about accountability. We can't throw a celebration because a few more white people noticed racism in Tr*mp while Black folx are still being actively harmed and oppressed by those very same white people.

They still see Tr*mp as an outlier.
Also, how in 2020 can anyone write an article that pays homage to Tr*mp for anything? Whether satirical or clever or not.

The stakes are so high, y'all.

Framing matters. So much.
We can't wage our anti-racist movements on the conditions of white discovery. We have to require more than that.
We gotta be clear about when we are talking about or to white people and when we're talking about or to everyone else.
Black folx led responses to Breonna Taylor's and George Floyd's killings. We drew attention. We always do.
We should be thanking Black women. We've always been holding up the mirror to society, demanding justice, demanding better.

Black women are the original (and only true) "allies" if that were a real thing.
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