turkey is a country formed by many different ethnicities combined and no turkish person is truly turkish bc everybody in turkey has mixed ancestry. we are all raised in a combination of all the cultures that formed the country. some turkish people, like me, get the privilege- https://twitter.com/tyraaobiang/status/1290616296267276290
of being light skinned while others do not. but no matter our skin color, once we are out of our own country we do not get the same privileges white people do. thats why we say “we’re not white we’re turkish” bc foreigners dont hire us outside of our own country, they dont give
us the opportunities that they give to people from the USA or the UK or Europe, they racially profile us to be ignorant or stupid or as religious zealots, because they pity us for being turkish citizens and act superior around us.
like, my ancestry is a mixture of greece, the balkans, persia, turkic, arabic origins. all of those relatives, their history, their customs, they are the cause of me both physically and mentally, as are of all of the other turkish citizens born and or living in Turkey
y’all dont have to erase every other ethinicity in the world to defend yours, just sayin
i spent years of my childhood and teenage years ashamed of having different lineages, did not step into the sun for years because i tan very fast but i did not want to be even a bit darker than i already am, i anglicized my name bc i wanted to be perceived as white
i still have insecurities about my skin color that i am getting into terms with, still with reflex i shy away from being tan and am suffering from vitamin d deficiency because of this. my previous nose was not “european enough and big” and people around me made me feel so
insecure about my nose that i came to hate it immensely and got plastic surgery. at least i had started to “wake up” by the time i got the surgery and did not get the nose of my bridge broken or shaved down, so it still has some of its structure.
i used to hate my thick eyebrows, i used to hate my body shape, i used to hate turkish music, i used to hate traditional turkish fashion, i used to hate even the shape of my head due to the “turkish head shape” thing that was going around some many years back. how wild is that.
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