Reminder that there are many paths up the mountain of recovery. No one way is the only way. I get it - the way you took saved your hide. That's amazing. But that's not everyone's way. And just because others aren't doing it your way doesn't mean we tear down other ways.
When we say our way is the only way, that's fear talking. We defend our position. We lob grenades, as if someone was going to take something away from us that they can't. It's futile. Build others up instead of trying to tear them down. Support them. Encourage them. Help them.
And if you're incapable of that, then look inward and ask yourself what's missing. Heal yourself. It's not easy letting go of angry and fearful ways, but it happens. March on. Lashing out only fuels those fears. Stay in that discomfort and just be. Then get help to unravel it.
Instead of just "tolerating" people, why not accept them? Tolerance is low level vibration. Acceptance is high level. Tolerance in tinged with anger and is about enduring. Acceptance is both receiving and releasing. It has no attachment. Let's accept one another as is. Perfect.
As I conclude my Ted Talk, celebrate one another for the Herculean task of getting on the other side of addiction, rather than pointing out differences that make you uncomfortable. That's your shit, and on you. Own it, heal and move on. We are ALL worthy of love and acceptance.
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