the ONLY thing not fair about dark humor is the timing of the event, the "read the room" effect, or how close it hits home. and not because there's a time to make dark jokes out of people's deaths but simply because it's basic human decency. because if you shouldn't...
...make dark jokes of people's death or tragedies at Allll, then you are a hypocrite for laughing at dark jokes about the events of 9/11, Hiroshima, Holocaust and World War II. even COVID-19 that's CURRENTLY rendering people and their loved ones dead or completely devastated.
I only draw the line at rape dark humor, not because its POSSIBLY more tragic than the events of World War II, but because -omoh if you don't understand why you shouldn't find rape jokes funny then you're part of the problem 🙄
that being said, don't forget, dark humor isn't supposed to be nice hence the term "dark". deal with it or get over it.
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