You realize that internships are literally 3-6 months maximum and in an economy with massive unemployment people will hire experienced folks over interns anyways right? Like it isn’t the magical “job opportunity” being painted here unless you are from privilege.
There is literally no sensible reason to not pay interns. It means you don’t get the best talent because you only land talent that is privileged enough to work in an unpaid scenario. And also for the intern, there is no magical job waiting for you after in most cases.
You will not have jobs lined up for you because you interned at the UN or World Bank. Lol, what in delusional advise is this? 😂😂😂 you have a better shot at a low entry level job but in this economy? Where you are competing with a masters student with actual experience?
The reality of employment in Kenya is your 20s will be miserable & in terrible jobs and situations if you don’t have privilege, which is the majority. If you survived the rat race & politics then the 30s & 40s are better. But only a very slim margin make it because it’s dire AF.
If the point of your internship programme is to hire the best into your talent pipeline then it has to be a paid internship role. Then you will truly get the best. This is basic talent management 101. But if it isn’t, well, then coffee and mandazi is your brand worth.
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