X : I can't work out whether you're pro or against China?
Me : Depends upon what we're looking at. I'm all in favour of learning economic lessons and gameplay from China but I also view it as an existential threat to our values which themselves need to adapt / to evolve ...
X : So, is that for or against?
Me : It means both. There is no simple binary here but then that's true in most aspects of life. Simple binaries only generally exist when a few are trying to rally the many to a cause which is in the interest of the few. The whole them vs us etc.
X : But you're on the side of freedom?
Me : Define freedom? In terms of freedom from economic slavery then China is raising more from extreme poverty than the West. It's also likely to push on inequality durng 2021. In other areas its human rights are awful (to a West viewpoint).
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