Random poll thread
Have you gotten out of bed yet?
When buying toothpaste, what do you look at?
Gents, would you rather suck a dick or let your mom die?
Would you rather drink a liter of semen or a cup of period blood
Would you rather watch your parents have sex all your life or join in once to stop it
Have you had sex with anyone on Twitter/a mutual?
Are you...
Do you think Oprah/Whoopie Goldberg got that 📦🔥
Would you rather be...
Can't stop
Do you think monks (those Chinese men that don't speak/have sex) disobey and secretly get rounds or secretly whisper to themselves
Do you
Would you rather
1. Fuck a goat and nobody knows
2. Not fuck and goat but everyone thinks I did

(If you choose #2, EVERYONE will know you as the guy that fucked a goat. Even at interviews, it'll be like: "oh hey look, it's the guy that fucked a goat"
Would you rather...

1. Smell like poop but everyone else can smell it except for you

2. Smell poop only you can smell

(Before picking 2, remember that your peace is more important. Don't suffer for others to be in peace 😘)
Better combo
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