The world can be split into two categories of people.

The 1st is people who only defend people they identify as like themselves.
The 2nd are people who will defend anyone regardless of if they are like them or not.

The first group are ****s

The second group are the revolution
So if u are white but u don't defend people of colour; or u are straight but u don't defend gays; or u are cis but u don't defend those who are trans [or, of course, the other way around] then all u are is an apologist for an ideological identity - and an enemy of common humanity
But why is standing up for people who are NOT like you the revolution? Because that is when you start to act like people who believe in genuine human solidarity, people who can see past diversity [without denying it] to common humanity, rather than as capitalism wants you to act.
Capitalism divides so a few can rule the divided masses. Loving each other regardless of colour, creed, gender and sexuality is vital for this revolution to take place. In fact, I'd argue it is the ONLY way it does take place. Capitalists are powerful. But they can't kill us all.
This is why as far as I am concerned:

If a black person is discriminated against its my problem
If a trans person is discriminated against its my problem
If a man is discriminated against its my problem. ETC.

You get the drift?

We are all people. To make equality, be equality.
The politics of privilege and of divided humanity is the politics of capitalist conquest nd oppression. When we are this or that, one thing or the other, we can be played off against each other. And we are, endlessly, ceaselessly.

Resist the desire to divide. Love instead.
The easiest way the capitalists, the dividers, the oppressors, the exploiters, win is by planting a seed of hate and division within your very own heart. Then all they need do is feed it and wait for it to grow.

Uproot any such seed and sow human solidarity instead!
Anarchism [amongst other things] is the belief that:

We are all equal [for real!]
Everybody matters
People are more important than money
One person's pain is another person's problem
Peaceful co-existence is up to us to achieve

This is the revolution. To change the world.
I have an interest in the origins of anarchism. I'm currently writing a [huge!] book on Jesus as a Jewish anarchist. Something he said stands out: this is the anarchist standard of human solidarity. [Matthew 25:31-46 for those who want the full story.]
And so do you see? What we do for the least, for the despised, for the poorest, for anyone without discrimination or distinction, is the anarchist measure. If a person needs help, help them. There is no place for petty discriminations. We are all people. [Thread ends.]
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