All major religions are invested in keeping women in a secondary role - by that I mean away from the seat of power - and by that I mean away from the seat of financial power.
In order to do this they police our minds. But more importantly they police our bodies. We are all told that a 'good woman' is chaste and self-denying. So this means we remain in seclusion (don't work, earn, have power). And we sacrifice (food, booze, sex).
Why do they do this? Because the men that control religion work hand in glove with the men that control politics and commerce. We can't have one lot without the other. If religion stopped controlling us with it's "value system" we would in fact become equal to men.
They know that giving us equality in 1 arena is to give us equality in all arenas. Which is why they choose a few of us at a time & watch these few closely 2 make sure they don't get 2 big. Because then would claim our space in society, in the economy & worst of all in religion!
And then what would all our priests do? When they realize that their job is now open to the best human rather than to a man.
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