So... I found out that there is a director who made 28 of these animated films last year and... I just want to share the posters for some of them because I can't be alone in having nightmares
Is it just me or is the pink one having a stroke?
...OK credit where it's due, that's a brilliant title
Hey, I heard you liked Coco so I put some shit in it... enjoy
...who allows this and why?
By the way, the same guy who directed everything else in this thread also directed The Lion Kid, which I found earlier in the year but didn't know it had cousins! https://twitter.com/lee_g_b/status/1230369405307015170
"These moms are dolphinately fishtastic"... someone cough on me
The elephtants smile says "Come on in kids" while the monkey's smile says "I'm going to eat your parents!"
Is that the bird from Chirpy? Cos... I'll be honest, I'd probably watch if the rampant bird fucking explained why the bunny's eyebrows are like that
... one guy directed those... last year... and I left SO MANY OUT!
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