Feeling a lot of this at the moment, so a few thoughts on...the dreaded Imposter Syndrome. 1/6
Imposter Syndrome is generally framed as a lack of self confidence, self belief or low self esteem - an individual issue basically - caused by a sense of not being good enough. 2/6
But - what if - you REALLY ARE the only woman/mother/older/younger/working class/person of colour etc trying to do your thing? It’s not an imagined issue - the imposter sense of difference is a lived reality. 3/6
When you feel Imposter Syndrome it indicates that something is wrong structurally - while confidence techniques may help they won’t uncover the deep seated issues of exclusion in your particular field. 4/6
It can be empowering to realise - this isn’t a problem with me, it’s a problem because there is no-one here like me. You can then begin to discuss structural exclusion and talk to others in the same position. 5/6
Transform pain into knowledge and share it (affirmative ethics), realise it’s not you, celebrate and shout about achievements, find a community! 👏 6/6
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