from "what do you think of gyeoul?" to "Do you like gyeoul?"

Before, ikjun was merely asking jeongwon bcs gyeoul told him to

This time though, he is asking him because he noticed, with his own eyes, that jeongwon has feelings for gyeoul....

Ikjun was the one who told gyeoul that jeongwon had no interest in girls, that he wanted to be a priest

This time, he is the one convincing jeongwon to follow his heart

Because he noticed how much jeongwon likes gyeoul to the point that he becomes hesitant abt being a priest
If before, ikjun was helping gyeoul

this time, it's not gyeoul he's helping.

He's helping jeongwon, because he knew exactly what it feels when feelings are kept hidden, he doesn't want jeongwon to end up like him...he wants him to follow his heart and voice out what he feels
ikjun had a huge part in the progress of wintergarden's relationship. He made jeongwon realize that keeping his feelings hidden would not help

i'm sure he'd be so proud, that jeongwon made the right decision, that unlike him, jeongwon mustered the courage and did not chicken out
but of course, kudos to jang gyeoul for being the bravest!!💙 Thank you for mustering up the courage to confess your feelings. You are the main reason why jeongwon chose to stay. i'm really excited for more wintergarden moments on season 2✊
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