A thread about my daughter who had a gun pointed at her at 6 weeks by suspected state Agents. I celebrate her today. I reflect and see I can't give up and let her down. She is my Wednesday Crush.
Like the pregnancies before, this one was problem free as far as we knew. The mother had no cravings except for amankanyanisi. She loathed Orange Juice which she previously loved and enjoyed. She also had mood swings. One moment she can't stand me the next she is clingy
At one routine prenatal check up we were told BP is high and my wife needs to be hospitalized immediately. We proceeded to hospital where she was admitted and given medication to stabilise the BP. We were told the baby is under serious strain
BP kept shooting up. Eventually we were told we need to do a C-section. Baby was under too much strain and could be lost any minute. We were told there were complications in the placenta so baby not getting enough oxygen and nutrients
As a believing family we called upon fellow Believers and asked that Prayers be raised for us so we stand guided by the Spirit of God in the decision we will make. Believers Prayed and checked on us daily. I needed my spirit to be at peace to make a decision
Visiting hour was a nightmare. She would give me statistics of women who died or who lost babies due to the same condition. 3 people lost lives every 24hrs. Doctors would remind her she would either die or lose the baby if we don't operate. 5 days later we made a decision
So at 6 months and 2 weeks we took the leap of faith and consented. I was there when she went into theatre at 430pm. I went home to intercede and pray fervently. I was told I will be called soon after the procedure. No phone call came. I panicked
At around 3am the following day after many efforts and attempts at trying to get information I had a breakthrough. My wife finally answered her phone and said "We made it. She is here"
So after enduring strain in the womb and fighting for her survival, here she was. Tiny and resilient, beautiful and fiesty. I could see the Masumbika nose. I believe a father must speak into the life and future of the child before anyone does. So I prayed and blessed her
We named her Uzoma (Igbo for her path/future is bright). Her mother called her Aariel (meaning lion of God) this is because she is a fiesty fighter. I named her Wami (Zulu for Mine). Uzoma Aariel Wami Hanana. I feel strongly that she is greatness incarnate.
She adapted to life outside the womb very fast. We were all looking forward to the 6 weeks doctors visit. I was also hoping to start bedroom games after a lengthy sabbatical 🙈. That night disaster struck
Wami had a rude, violent, brutal and diabolic welcome to life in Zimbabwe. The state which is the supreme guardian of children pointed a gun at her and her 2 year old brother Umile (who calls her sisi). She is a fighter. She fought from the womb.
I wonder now, is it fair. As a parent should I just leave and go as far away from Zimbawe as possible. Should it be me who fights, why me? But the bigger question remains WHY NOT ME? Is what's best for Zimbabwe best for my children? Being a parent comes with hard choices
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