How will hyperbitcoinization not turn into an attack vector? Millions and millions of users whose Bitcoin are highly likely sat in 3rd party custody and get carried onto a fork they don't understand and support because they think they'll lose their bitcoin if they don't comply /1
Or no fork but governments just step in and lock 3rd parties down. If there are very many BTC affected, the intolerant minority might get drown out by the screeching masses. This is why I'm very much in favour of Bitcoin taking time to get to the point it has that many users /2
I think there's probably a minimum % of new users that need to drop down the rabbit hole and run a full node etc so people, not businesses/gov, maintain control of the protocol. That education takes time. So I'm patient and explain Bitcoin and don't tell people to buy any đŸ˜Č /3
I hope:
1. They become interested enough to later ask about acquiring BTC.

2. I've introduced someone that gets and will fight for it, not a get rich quick chancer who might later help put at risk the only real chance we have at money not controlled by govs and central banks. /4
In part, this is why I don't mind the 1000s of altcoins so much, they act as a soak away, taking in those that would roll over and "cash out" to fiat under threat. Hopefully they act as a learning curve as well, people who get burned by then might know enough to "go bitcoin" /5
So how will hyperbitcoinization not turn into an attack vector? Education by those who already get it. Self custody and verifying nodes. It will be a long road and that's fine by me. Rome was not built in a day, nor did the Roman empire fall in a day. There's a lot to do /6
Hyperbitcoinization "too soon" is something that worries me a lot more than a "catastrophic" bug (used to keep me awake) as that would just be forked out by those who have a vested interest in keeping their Bitcoin node software in line with their interpretation of Bitcoin /7
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