Was that before or after your fandom trended hate hashtags and accused them of sajaegi and plagiarism, harassing them to the point BH had to go to court to prove they didn’t do it, or how about the time when y’all petitioned the Blue House to get their first Daesang taken away https://twitter.com/dyorablesoo/status/1290484446303416321
Or how about the time your fandom gave them a black ocean or flipped them off because your fave didn’t win, or the time y’all planned to ruin their comeback with BREAKWINGs, or was it before the time y’all sided with Japanese right wing N*zis who still harass J-ARMYs to this day?
Please be ever so fucking specific to what exactly y’all have done for BTS.
OR WAS IT THE TIME that your “other fandoms” demanded Taehyung apologize for singing a song by an artist he liked that had just been released. Or was it before the time y’all’s “other fandoms” accused them of plagiarsm cuz of a “no signal” stage, or table settings?
Or could the time you are talking about come when your “other fandoms” literally cut a concert short because of literal 💀 threats, or are you referring to the time when these “other fandoms” accused one of my boys of s3xual harassment for hugging his friend. FUCK OFF.
Or maybe just maybe you are talking about the time you called the social 50 award a paper award, or the time you decided to kick my boys out of Kpop for being to “westernized” or maybe it’s the countless times you have weaponized mental illness and made fun of their looks, the
way they dress, the way they talk, trending hate hashtags on their birthday, making fun of their literal family members dying, sspreading baseless rumors anytime they breathe and saying “respect an idols mental health” except when it’s 875. Go fuck yourselves.
I feel better ~
Anyway, sorry if this thread triggered any ARMYs with bad memories so here is Yoongi stretching :]
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