I've serious concerns about the mental health and wellbeing of school leaders currently. I've heard of all sorts of prep going on in schools, some that may seem over the top or unnecessary.

But taking a step back, enormous responsibility&liability has been thrust on leaders

With only vague guidelines to work from, everyone is terrified they'll be the one to lost a member of staff or a child to COVID, and imagining the guilt of whether they could have done more.

So we might see and hear of measures that sound ridiculous in different places

But if you thought there was even the slim chance it would stop someone's death, would you not think its worth a shot.

When left to figure things out and hugely varied knowledge and understanding of COVID, what should they do?

So staff, parents etc try to give your leaders a break if they suggest something that you think is silly or ridiculous or over the top. Take a minute to realise what pressure they must be feeling and work together to figure it out.

You can follow @CatrionaGolden.
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