A few words.
By the time some of you show up desiring to "show black folks that racism is a thing of the past" (thinking we've never heard this before), we've been dealing with hidden racism disguised as general policies, other people who got here before you with the same
questions/arguments/denials/same podcast recommendations (again...stuff we've heard before), more people like you chastising us like you are our superiors and we should listen, folks pretending to be interested but only seeking to poke holes in stuff we say (they really don't
care about us, just winning an argument), black voices that have been (or choose to be) weaponized against the rest of us (including black folks from other countries who come over, assimilate to the dominant conservative culture including its' speaking down to African Americans),
alongside having to explain that we aren't holding to Marxism, CRT/I [and still getting slandered as such regardless], AND the norm of dealing with all of the regular difficulties of life (career, family, etc...).

A word. If you actually care about unity and real discussions
(you've been here long enough), do the homework on your side first before coming with questions you can EASILY search for answers on (you đ‘˜đ‘›đ‘œđ‘€ the difference between BLMℱ and blm, for example). That means foregoing 'simple' answers (everyone isn't a marxist) and solutions
(like simply citing the 8-12 black people who already agree with you) and dipping into Yancey, The & Campaign, The Front Porch and a few other folks you might semi-disagree with or entirely disagree with (hint: they all don't embrace CRT no matter what your favorite bloggers and
Youtubers say). This will ALSO involve becoming more than just a social media commenter, troll, mocker or perennial critic. As a Christian, if you claim that your bond is stronger than skin color or ethnicity, then it should be stronger than politics as well. Invest yourself in
building an actual relationship with someone you appear to disagree with. Sit, listen, talk, exchange. Treat them like an equal human being and not a project (aka "I have a black friend!"). Realize that some things you thought about 'them' may be just as wrong as some of the
assumptions made about 'you' because you're white (I speak on this one from personal experience). But we're brethren, right ? Building up a relationship will tear down some of these theopolitical 'walls of hostility' created as a consequence of the secular culture's
left v right war AND the legacy of Jim Crow/slavery. It's always interesting to note that most middle class Christians, white or black, want the same things and generally go about the same way of working toward it. But neither know this....until they sit down and talk.
While your favorite podcaster may disagree, Proverbs 15:1 should be one guiding principle in your approach. Are you writing to rile up folks ? Reject urges to attack each other and treat each other like enemies. You can have some disagreements in a civil fashion, but if your
but if your approach comes from the secular 'shock jock'culture, you've already lost. I say this knowing full well that some of you reading haven't realized how much you're more influenced by secular conservative America and its' civil religion than you are by
scripture's mandates on how to relate to other human beings. Remember - Imago Dei.

That said, last word. For my black brothers and sisters reading, be wise in your interactions. Everyone claiming to be a believer doesn't have your best interests at heart. Some may simply be
cultural Christians or followers of secular American religiosity. Those folks won't care about the individual and corporate struggles the black community has had to deal with even since the civil rights act was passed (or the history before that).
They, like their secular counterparts, view all of these arguments as entertainment (we've all seen secular folks who like to simply harass conservatives and Christians, troll them and try to poke holes in their beliefs). Be aware that when you hear things like "what else do
they want ? we gave them the right to vote, we gave them the gospel, we gave...", you are not being viewed as an equal image bearer in Christ by that individual. Proverbs 26:4-5 are instructive here. Let God guide you to determine which type of 'fool' you are dealing with and
act accordingly. Not every argument needs to be engaged, nor every fight to be won. God is still working on the hearts of some of these men and women. Remember Titus 3:1-8. God was patient with us through our times of disobedience, stubbornness, foolish talk and behavior.
Sometimes, leaving folks with scripture and walking away is God's grace. It will also leave you without having to negotiate your dignity as an image bearer ("Well, I got the gospel, so I should be thankful and not complain about anything!"). I make that point because
no conservatives will accept "well, abortions in the US are down under 1 million per year - you should stop complaining about it and be thankful" or "you got partial birth abortion banned - you should be happy, thankful and stop complaining" as a legitimate argument.
They will not negotiate down the Imago Dei of the unborn; neither should they be allowed to do the same when discussing "born" African-Americans and their experiences in the US.

Let Eph. 4:26-32 and Matt. 7:12 be instructive as you deal with folks online. You, me and they will
ALL give account to God for your tweets. In some cases, you may want to spend a few days before responding to folks and heavily consider whether your answers are God-honoring and scripturally faithful (and that cuts both ways). And whether your fight is against
'white supremacy' (NOT a helpful term and not the best term) or 'cultural marxism' or 'critical theory', remember that your BRETHREN are brothers and sisters in the Lord.

2 Tim. 2:24-26 is instructive:
And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able
to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.

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