Let’s breakdown the reasons why Katy Perry is HIGHLY deserving of the Video Vanguard award. 👑

[a thread]
Eye candy, beautiful/colorful visuals - Among videos today, this quality is not difficult to deliver. Artists like gaga, nicki, and even the whole kpop industry has this on their videos. But we know Katy does not fall short.
Symbolisms - Her videos are not bland and superficial. It doesn’t just give out a vibe. It has depth and substance.
Concepts - Katy Perry music videos aren’t all the same. It’s not just one flavor. As yall say how Johnny Depp has the range for his acting roles, Katy has IT for her music videos.
Just to emphasize the length of how her concepts go the extra mile. Katy creates a whole ‘nother world, a different dimension. And for what? Not an era, A MUSIC VIDEO.

Considering the fact that she plays a huge part of conceptualizing her material, you gotta put some RESPECT.
Storylines - Of all qualities mentioned, I think this is where Katy’s catalogue stands out. Katy Perry videos a like mini movies with a whole damn plot to get into.
Humor - this is an honorable mention for Katy. Some of you might think it aint it, but she isn’t afraid to mix funny to her art. Which I think is such a Katy Perry thing to do. She’s comical. She’s camp. She’s KP. 😊
WE GETTING MORE VIDEOS BITCH with or without that award, her videography is already 🔥💯 https://twitter.com/kpinfos_/status/1290956502132559872?s=21 https://twitter.com/kpinfos_/status/1290956502132559872
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