Dear citizen of the world, how to cook rice without rice-cooker:
1. Measure 1 handful/ person. Rinse them 3 times. Drain.
2. Put them in the saucepan, add water. Use finger to measure. FINGER! Water height is at one finger joint from surface of rice bed.
3. Close the lid loosely.
4. Heat on. As soon as it boils, turn down heat to a simmer. DO NOT STIR THE RICE. Evil things might happen.
5. When all water has been absorbed (no more puddle on top of rice), turn off heat, close the lid tightly. Do not disturb the rice for 15 min. The god of rice is working!
6. Open the lid, fluff the rice with spatula from the side to the middle.

That's it. No salt, no flavoring of any kind is required.

You want flavor? Put your cooked rice in your fridge, tomorrow cook some fried rice. Tomorrow. Not today..
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