TW // pedophilia, rape, child porn
idk why people feel the need to point out that some of these are year old arrests.. did you know about these charges before ? no. is there an experiation date on pedophilia ???? no, tf. the fact is epst*in records r being released and this highlights the
major trafficking and child assault issue in politics and hollywood.
I’m a 19 yr old honors cs student that has recently completed a computer science program at a top 5 tech company, and I have to balance 21k in school fees this year and $250/month in medical fees basically by myself. My mom uses her entire second paycheck for rent, which was
raised to 1.7k after covid. We both work in a hospital and received no pay raise or hazard pay, but I recently resigned due to workplace harassment. If you’re down to help i’m more than willing to offer essay review services, linkedin/resume creation/editing,
paper revision services, tutoring for english courses, tutoring for comp sci/coding fundamentals (any language, but mainly javascript), and/or college application guidance. . cashapp: $janevaquoi. thank you <3
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