How do wealthy people create real wealth?

4 lessons In 4 tweets

Let's see👇

Making money 💰

When someone can create and deliver value generally they can increase their income over time.

>Develop valuable skills
>Sell them to an employer
>Think long-term
>Don't think (job) think career

Accumulate Assets

Creating and delivering value allows you to make money. With this money minus expenses you should accumulate assets.

>Buy assets
>Assets make you more money
>Again, think long-term


Spend your life avoiding and staying out of bad debt.

There is good debt though.

>Use the banks money to finance money making assets.
>Real estate


This is one that people tend to forget about. Earning money and accumulating assets takes energy. Be mindful of these.

>Your health

1. Make money
2. Accumulate assets
3. Avoid bad debt
4. Self-development
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