letting go of someone i love was the hardest thing i ever had to do. but it's okay to love someone and not be with them. my biggest problem was just not accepting that i'd always love her, and i fought it. i fought to get her back a lot of the time too.
i fought to hate her so i wouldn't be as sad. basically all of my suffering came from me not accepting the situation and accepting that two people could be in love and not be together. or at least i was in love.
now that i've come to terms with that, i feel much better. i wish i'd learned that years ago, i would have saved myself a lot of suffering. so while the loving feelings are still there, i have moved on, and she has moved on, and that's okay.
if it’s truly love, you want only for the other to be happy. you recognize when you cannot provide that happiness for them, for whatever reason, and you continue to love them, forever. but you move on. the love changes, from romantic to platonic, eventually to distant compassion.
love doesn't mean you have to be together. it just means you care about each other and always want the best for each other. and maybe you'll come together again. it's a tough decision though, to say goodbye. one of the hardest. but nothing is meant to last forever.
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