Wellington has so much going for it, and a huge number of people regularly taking the bus or train, and walking and cycling.

Yet anyone who has tried to take public transport knows it can be overcrowded, if you’re not over 65 it is expensive, and it isn’t as frequent on the weekend or in the evenings.
Anyone who had tried to cycle can tell you that it can be scary being squeezed on the road between fast moving vehicles and parked cars that may open a door in your path.

Most parents wouldn’t feel comfortable with their kids cycling far on their own.
Those walking know in many places you have to cross two or even three times at one intersection to go where you want, and there is not much pedestrian priority. The footpaths on the Golden Mile can be extremely crowded.
It doesn’t have to be this way.

When we invest in frequent, reliable, affordable all day rapid transit - people use it. It shapes the city. It reduces pollution. It moves many times more people than an extra car lane would.
When we build separated cycle lanes, people use them. They feel safe enough to ride their bikes, and it’s safer for the pedestrians as well because you don’t get nervous cyclists on the footpath. When there’s a complete network - so many more will cycle!
When people walk and cycle regularly for short trips, they are healthier and happier. They save money by not driving and parking. They create vastly more space on the roads we do have, by leaving their car at home.
Making public transport, walking and cycling the priority is THE ONLY WAY to reverse the cycle of car dependency that is causing congestion, pollution, and the high cost of getting around our cities.
Anyone promising multi-billions of dollars on a few extra car lanes in tunnels in Wellington is promising to continue the cycle of car dependency. They are promising congestion & high transport costs for decades to come. They are effectively climate change deniers.
The Green Party will continue to fight for great public transport, and safe walking and cycling for Wellington. For our kids, for our communities, for the climate. It just makes sense. 💚🚲🚊🚇🚌👩‍🦽🌎
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