-why neopronouns don’t work-
Neopronouns are a pronoun that is not he, she, or they. They can be xe, aer, ey, even puppy. These obviously do not work in language and will probably never work in language.
This is because when we look at someone, we automatically assign a gender in our head. He for boys, she for girls, they for people who’s gender we don’t know or non-binary people. Pronouns like xe xir do not have a gender expression tied to them.
No one will look at a stranger and know that they use xe xir based on how they look. No one will use your neopronoun unless you explicitly tell them to.
In some languages, everything is gendered, like nouns, and there is no neutral pronoun. Neopronouns dont work in those languages. Neopronouns do not work in English either.
Neopronouns completely disregard the rules of language and how society functions. Pronouns should be quick and easy as a replace for someone’s name. Not something that’s an accessory and hard to use or something you have to think hard about.
No one will know to call you your neopronouns unless you tell them. “Misgendering” is bound to happen.
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